
Operational Design of Nanoparticles

Much time and money are needed to develop nanoparticles for successful use in petroleum reservoirs and other systems. Before nanoparticles are synthesized and tested in the real world, it may be worthwhile to study how well they will perform their intended job by first running computer simulations with hypothetical particles. In this manner, many nanoparticles with different properties can be investigated in silico and the knowledge extracted from that work can be utilized in a successful design of real particles. We refer to this methodology as Operational Design (Pedersen, 2018).

Synthetic nanoparticle temperatures as a function of time for an injection temperature of 43 deg C. After Pedersen (2018).

Modelling of Single Well Chemical Tracers Tests

Single Well Chemical Tracer (SWCT) tests are an important tool to estimate the residual oil saturation (Sor) in watered out reservoirs. We have over the last years developed numerical SWCT models that account for temperature gradients and pH dependent hydrolysis rate and their effect on Sor estimates (Pedersen, 2020, 2021). We have also studied to what extent large variations in porosity, permebility and pre-flushing parameters influence the estimated Sor (Pedersen, 2022a). Currently, we focus on how wettability information can be obtained from SWCT tests (Pedersen, 2022b).

Temperature near the well for an upwards coarsening target formation. After Pedersen (2022a).

Geodynamic Simulations of Volcanic Margins

Volcanic margins are important geological features found globally. They are interesting from a purely scientific point of view but may also host considerable hydrocarbon resources. We have experience in developing and applying computer models to understand their evolution dating back to the late 80’s (Pedersen and Skogseid, 1989) as well as more recently (Skogseid et al., 2000). Such models typically consider lithospheric extension, magmatism, heat flow, and hydrocarbon maturation (Pedersen et al., 2002). We have also worked much on magmatic rifts (Pedersen and van der Beek, 1994). These may be more accesible than volcanic margins and increased understanding of their evolution may be useful in investigating volcanic margins. This is particularly true for magmatic models and crust-mantle interactions.

Melt thickness as a function of beta and delta stretching factors, potential temperature, thermal boundary composition and rift duration of the Oslo Rift. After Pedersen and van der Beek (1994).


Pedersen, T., 2022a. A fluid dynamic model for Single Well Chemical Tracer tests with variable petrophysical and pre-flushing parameters. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 212, 110198,

Pedersen, T., 2022b. In situ simultaneous Sor and wettability estimates from SWCT tests accounting for temperature gradients and pH. 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Madrid, June 6-9.

Pedersen, T., 2021. A Single Well Chemical Tracer model that accounts for temperature gradients, pH changes and buffering, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 201, 108500, 

Pedersen, T., 2020. Temperature gradient and pH effects on Sor estimates from SWCT tests – The no buffer case, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 196, 107652,

Pedersen, T., 2018. Properly designed temperature history nanoparticles may improve residual oil saturation estimates from SWCT tests. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 170, 383-391.

Pedersen, T., Throndsen, T. and Lysell, F.T., 2002. Integrated geodynamic and basin models of the Vøring Margin. AAPG/NAPG Hedberg Research Conference “The Hydrocarbon Habitat of Volcanic Rifted Passive Margins”, Stavanger, 8-11 September.

Pedersen, T. and van der Beek, P., 1994, Extension and magmatism in the Oslo Graben, SE Norway: No sign of a mantle plume. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 123, 317-329.

Pedersen, T. and Skogseid, J., 1989. Vøring Plateau volcanic margin: extension, melting and uplift. In: Eldholm, O., Thiede, J., Taylor, E. et al. Proc. ODP, Sci. Res., Leg 104: College Station, TX, (Ocean Drilling Program), 985-991.

Skogseid, J., Planke, S., Faleide, J.I., Pedersen, T., Eldholm, O. and  Neverdal, F., 2000.  NE Atlantic continental rifting and volcanic margin formation. In: Nøttvedt, A. et al. (eds) Dynamics of the Norwegian Margin. Geol. Soc. Lond, Spec. Publ., 167, 295-326.